Possible Steroids Uncovered After Burglary Call in Rutherford County

vendredi 30 août 2013

Rumors of steroid use increasing in Murfreesboro may not be that far from the truth.

Police stumbled upon what could turn out to be a steroid operation in Murfreesboro on Tuesday when they evidently responded to a possible burglary call. WGNS is not releasing pertinent information at this time because an arrest has not been made. However, we can report that when police went into the home of where one of the suspected burglars lives on Weston Boulevard, officers say they uncovered at least one vile that was labeled, “Synergy Labs Test Cypionate Anabolic Steroids .”

The room where the drugs were located was documented and photographed by authorities. The case appears to be under investigation, but an arrest has not been made.

via World Class Bodybuilding Forum http://www.worldclassbodybuilding.com/forums/f473/possible-steroids-uncovered-after-burglary-call-in-rutherford-county-135171/

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