What's a Supplement ? What isn't ?

mardi 27 août 2013

Many of us view some things as supplements that others see as food.

What is a supplement in your eyes ?

I don't see protein shakes as supplements. I simply see them as a protein rich food just as I see chicken, turkey, or fish.

If protein powder is a supplement what is cottage cheese ? They are both protein rich products made from milk through some sort of processing ( other than egg, hemp, soy, etc.. protein of course).

Some people, myself included, drink a shot glass of olive oil to help with the mono unsaturated fats. If your drinking olive oil is that a supplement ?

In my eyes multi vitamins, creatine, beta-alanine and things such as that are supplements. Essentially things that you likely could not consume enough food to cover the amounts of nutrients in the supplements.

via World Class Bodybuilding Forum http://www.worldclassbodybuilding.com/forums/f14/whats-supplement-what-isnt-135064/

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