my gym

mardi 31 décembre 2013

i moved about 9 months ago to a new town in a sort of country back wood area. The guys at the gym are odd compared to what I'm use to. There are always 4-6 juicers in the gym when I'm there. There is one gyuy I see that competes but not really sure how he does. He looks decent when he is in prep mode. otherwise he is like the resst of them. Bloated, fat, red, out of breath. There is one dude that is pretty strong. Does behind the neck presses with 4 plates a side but he does this new fangled half haze down shit. I never got that. Seems to me that works the triceps more than shoulders.

i don't think the juicers know what they are doing mostly. They look like shit really. All pimples and water weight. One guy has a giant head and he glows purple when he picks up something heavy. I can imagine he is on a ton of shit and probably blowing a lot on Chinese GH. I wish these guys would dial in the diet.

There is a Brazilian chicka there that is really looking tasty. To bad I am an old fart. She is a personal trainer. When she speaks Spanish I want to bite her ass. She is so hot. Most of the other woemn look like old house wives or recently divorced house wives looking to drop the junk weight to find another man. The young ones are annoying, in the mirror all the time and superficial.

i have zero friends there yet. I need a training partner. I am looking to train hard again and grow. Guess I will be picking one of the bloated juice fish soon enough.

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