Another falling knife

samedi 25 janvier 2014

well, hell...................

I am trying this year to clean up all of my silly mistakes

1. early and overleveraged is one of them

today, I entered two positions in the first hour and put in stops and went to work.........................i'd been looking at buying them for awhile and thought okay good price, yet, I didn't take it seriously enough, I knew today could be a bad day and get worse as day wore on, which means if you buy you buy the last half hour

got home at 1pm, and hmmmmmmmmm, losing a bit but nothing bad at all, so added to positions...............expecting the market to bounce up in the last two hours, nope, down the whole time

added positions were down a bit, original about half of my allowed, the market is pretty bad, just zero buyers, thus they have to lower prices, although I probably was safe, I was again, overleveraged on the positions at the wrong time

so, sold before the close for a loss, shouldn't have even have been in, shame on me

for the week, I figured Monday / Tuesday this time, would be a high and Friday a low, I should have been more disciplined and traded better but did okay

first falling knife, huge winner

six small losing day trades

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