Weight loss, high cortisol/estrogen, low test

samedi 28 décembre 2013

Hi everybody,

I`m 22 years old male, under streneous physical load on daily basis.

My average calorie expenditure each day is around 2.5K+ + bmr 2000 cal

170lbs, 12-13% bodyfat (tomorrow doing DEXA test)

I practice IF 8h eating 16h fasting

I would like to mention this is going on for quite long time, dieting and streneous physical load.

I experience the symptoms of high cortisol + low test/high estrogen

Lack of libido, poor quality sleep (easy weaking up), diharrea, water retention and the major one - stubborn fat on the belly and buttocks which refuses to


for 4 days a week I`m hitting a calorie deficit of 2k+ calories and these

fat deposits don`t go off

After reading few some info on the internet I thought about using

some aromatase inhibitor or something to lower my high cortisol lvls, lower estrogen lvls and increase test lvls.

Few notes:

*reducing the physical load is not a possibility as the calorie deficit.

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