1 day left to study...how do you think I should spend it?

mercredi 25 février 2015

Hey guys, I'm taking FM on the 27th. I'm not feeling too good about my chances, but it's possible I could pass it, I suppose. I've been using ADAPT and am current at a 6.48 but I'm only scoring around about 20ish/35 on these level exams (it's giving me exams around a 6.7ish difficulty usually) and I'm taking longer than the time limit.

Generally my study method has been to take an exam. Then afterwards, I go back and do a second attempt and try to get a couple more of the ones I couldn't get at first. Then score it and review the answers, and repeat.

On my last day tomorrow, do you think I should just do this again one more time, or something different?

Also what's up with this pilot questions thing I've heard people talk about?

1 day left to study...how do you think I should spend it?

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