Battle of the Bands - XI

vendredi 27 février 2015

Battle of the Bands X

BotB - BotB II - BotB III - BotB IV - BotB V - BotB VI - BotB VII - BotB VIII - BotB IX - BotB X

BotB XI will be comprised of 6 rounds, each running for two weeks. Participants will submit one song per round. Because rounds are limited, there will be no restriction on the number of people who can play. The tentative round schedule is as follows:

03.09.15 - Round 1

03.23.15 - Round 2

04.06.15 - Round 3

04.20.15 - Round 4

05.04.15 - Round 5

05.18.15 - Round 6

Submissions will be due by 7PM Eastern on the Friday before the new round starts. I will allow leeway as circumstances arise. I just ask that songs are submitted in a timely manner and I don't have to wait up on them to launch a new round.

Song requirements:

- The artist can not have had any album chart in the top 100 of the Billboard 200

- The song can not have been on any album (compilations, soundtracks, etc) that charted in the top 100 of the Billboard 200

- Songs an artist are only "featured" on do not disqualify that artist

- Songs must have been released after March 24, 1956

- Covers/remixes are NOT allowed

List of previously submitted bands - COMING SOON!

Submitting Songs:

- I prefer that you send me the mp3 via e-mail. Send your mp3 to (The only email I can access on my work PC where I will likely do most of the work here)

- If you do not have a copy of the song, can't find a copy of the song, and really really really want to use that song, talk to me and I'll see what I can do.


- One vote per person (non-participants are encouraged to vote as well). No alt voting please.

- Each voter will have as many points to pass around as songs in the round.

- You may give any one song up to 4 points, no partial points.

- The maximum number of songs you can vote for in a round is 2X/3, where X is the number songs submitted that round, rounded up.

- You may not vote for your own submission.

- Votes will be due by 7PM Eastern time on the Friday before the next round starts (12 days after the round begins).

- At the end of each round, participants will receive a score of [points divided by votes]. These scores will be additive across the six rounds.

- The participant with the highest score at the end of six rounds wins.

If any questions or clarifications need to be address, let me know.

Good luck!

P.S. - thanks viv!

Battle of the Bands - XI

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