I am preparing to take exam GIADV: Advanced Topics in General Insurance for the first time in Spring 2015.
After a month of studying, I am surprised to find that I seem to have exhausted virtually all presently available materials. Yet I am confident that much more can be done to help candidates internalize and understand the eight syllabus papers and the kinds of problems that could arise from them.
To this end, I am announcing the creation of what will probably be my final actuarial study guide: The Actuary’s Free, Open-Source Study Guide for Exam GIADV: Advanced Topics in General Insurance.
With this study guide, which will be released for free to the public, partially in PDF and partially in Excel formats, I will welcome the help of as many people as possible, who will each be credited as the authors of their respective contributions.
The purpose of this thread is to post and discuss contributions to the study guide and also to link candidates to the work in progress as it unfolds.
The following is a tentative outline of what the study guide would contain:
1. Conceptual questions and solutions from each syllabus reading – including suggestions for flash cards.
2. Calculation questions, including Excel templates where values can be randomly re-generated to provide for inexhaustible practice. This is similar to the Inexhaustible Exam-Style Questions I prepared on the basis of the 2011 CAS Exam 7: http://ift.tt/162HJci. (Incidentally, the Excel templates for problems 2, 3(a), 4(a), 7(a), and 8 are relevant to the GIADV materials.)
3. Lists of and links to other freely available resources, including references to CAS Exam 7 and 9 questions that overlap with the GIADV syllabus.
4. Matching of practice questions and references with the relevant learning objectives from the exam syllabus.
I plan to set up the page for the study guide on The Rational Argumentator later today. (NOTE: The page has since been set up here: http://ift.tt/162HJcw.) This thread will also be updated with substantive developments. In the meantime, I have posted this announcement to invite anyone who wishes to collaborate.
After a month of studying, I am surprised to find that I seem to have exhausted virtually all presently available materials. Yet I am confident that much more can be done to help candidates internalize and understand the eight syllabus papers and the kinds of problems that could arise from them.
To this end, I am announcing the creation of what will probably be my final actuarial study guide: The Actuary’s Free, Open-Source Study Guide for Exam GIADV: Advanced Topics in General Insurance.
With this study guide, which will be released for free to the public, partially in PDF and partially in Excel formats, I will welcome the help of as many people as possible, who will each be credited as the authors of their respective contributions.
The purpose of this thread is to post and discuss contributions to the study guide and also to link candidates to the work in progress as it unfolds.
The following is a tentative outline of what the study guide would contain:
1. Conceptual questions and solutions from each syllabus reading – including suggestions for flash cards.
2. Calculation questions, including Excel templates where values can be randomly re-generated to provide for inexhaustible practice. This is similar to the Inexhaustible Exam-Style Questions I prepared on the basis of the 2011 CAS Exam 7: http://ift.tt/162HJci. (Incidentally, the Excel templates for problems 2, 3(a), 4(a), 7(a), and 8 are relevant to the GIADV materials.)
3. Lists of and links to other freely available resources, including references to CAS Exam 7 and 9 questions that overlap with the GIADV syllabus.
4. Matching of practice questions and references with the relevant learning objectives from the exam syllabus.
I plan to set up the page for the study guide on The Rational Argumentator later today. (NOTE: The page has since been set up here: http://ift.tt/162HJcw.) This thread will also be updated with substantive developments. In the meantime, I have posted this announcement to invite anyone who wishes to collaborate.
Creation of Free, Open-Source “Advanced Topics in General Insurance" Study Guide
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