Pension comeback?

mardi 24 février 2015

I saw this on the Wall Street Journal today. With the longer lives, pension plans are hurting companies; on the other end, people who enrolled in pension plan can enjoy their long and comfortable retirement life at their employers' cost.

The other day, I was looking at threads that discussing futures of different actuarial fields. The thread started back on 2004 and comments have been made over the years. I guess companies started implementing retirement plans and getting rid of pension around 2004, or a couple of years later. A lot people though pension would go downhill from there; a few people were more optimistic about the future of pension. They thought soon enough people will realize that they are not good at managing their retirement funds and run out of money. The next generations will start asking employers to bring pension back.

I agree that an average person is not able to prepare themselves financially for longer life, i.e longer retirement, plus, the medical expenses will only increase the longer you live. Pension is more beneficial for most people.

I apologize for the poor grammar and spelling if there is any.

Pension comeback?

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