post 2013 Olympia discussion

dimanche 29 septembre 2013

On the men's Olympia: Wolf surprised everybody. Best Wolf probably in years. Structural flaws, mostly calfs that are keeping him from the top spot. He manages to keep his waist tight and is so wide. Nice placing. I might have had him over Kai for the 2 spot. I have not sen the finals. I heard kai came back sharper but still. I think he came in spilled over and that yarn ball is distracting. Phil was just too big for everyone. I looked and looked and I could not find him in a shot with his quads striated. I think he was a little spilled over. Too much insulin. thing is I think Phil can really pull off the insulin but the result is sort of like a bull before the slaughter, so much extra drug induced mass that it looks slightly false. Jay was just off but it seemed that even in the prejudging he seemed to improve as the night went. I think he over did it and he came out looking small in the legs and arms and wide in the torso. Too bad. I like him better than Phil and Kai as an ambassador. if only Wolf had calves.

212: Lewis was peeled and full. he was even more dominant in the 212 than Phil was in the open. I like this kid. He's witty, confident and he looks spot on. He looks like he has a secret stash if 100% pure IGF-1 lr3. Naw, I'm sure it's geneticx wink wink. I thought Troy Alves looked really good. He placed 8th but he was a through back to when aesthetics counted. He was peeled and symetrical. I didn't care for Kevin English routine. He came off like a thug. I thought David Henry looked great although sometimes his head makes him look like a garden gnome. Looking at them seperatly I prefer Alves. He looks more like a work of art rather then a cartoon or successful chemical experiment. But when you place him in a line up with the shorter thicker guys he looks narrow from the front and flat from the side. It's a shame but I now see the judges vantage point. It's really tough to pick the taller more aesthetic because those guys just don't wow you like the freaks. the freaks look like they will sprout a cape and fly away while the aesthetic guys look like an ancient work of art created from the mind of genius.

via World Class Bodybuilding Forum

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