Customized Protein Blends coming to an end ????

lundi 9 septembre 2013

I got this email from Protein Factory regarding customized protein blends.

"The FDA is enforcing laws that every batch of protein we make must be tested. Since we custom make protein by order this means every bag we custom formulate is counted as a batch and must be tested. This testing process would take many days, even weeks on each batch we custom formulate. The tests also would cost us hundreds of dollars on every "batch," as well. Therefore it would be impossible for us to continue making custom formula's due to the fact that a pound of a custom made formula that sells for 10-15 bucks would now cost us hundreds of dollars to even create and weeks to get to you. "

If this is true the days of customized protein blends from places like Protein Factory and True Nutrition are done ? Has anyone else heard or seen anything about this ?

via World Class Bodybuilding Forum

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