Fake vs Real Hyges

lundi 2 septembre 2013

I posted fake pics of Hyges on AB but this time I took comparison pictures to side by side of fake and real hyges so it'll be easy to understand and see the differences.

Fake on the left, Real on the right.

The first pic you can see the difference between the pinwheel.

The second pic, you'll notice that the Batch and Exp dates on the fake have periods between the month, day and year. Also if you look you can see how the reak numbers are a bolder.

The third pic you even though the real is a little more blurry, you can see how much bolder the 8IU is compared to the fake.

The fourth pick you can see the the work Hygetropin is a teal color on the real and green on the fake. You can notice also on the third pic.

These were giving to me to do a serum test, they weren't sold to me. So the person I got them from isn't selling them. I have no idea how sells these. But I know for certain that the guy I got them from isn't going to sell them because my serum test came back 1.7

But I can say one thing, if these are being made then they are being sold by someone.

Attached Images

File Type: jpg Hyge1.jpg (85.4 KB)
File Type: jpg Hyge2.jpg (105.7 KB)
File Type: jpg Hyge3.jpg (101.1 KB)
File Type: jpg Hyge4.jpg (112.6 KB)

via World Class Bodybuilding Forum http://www.worldclassbodybuilding.com/forums/f54/fake-vs-real-hyges-135292/

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