
mardi 24 septembre 2013


LMG (often referred to as Max LMG or M-LMG) is a progestin based designer seteroid/pro-hormone, LMG has been cloned considerably over the years, however the correct nomenclature for an LMG based compound is (13-ethyl-3-methoxy-gona-2,5(10)-diene-17-one ). Max LMG is a ‘wet’ non-methylated compound and considered to be relatively mild, while LMG is a wet compound it doesn’t aromatize therefore fluid retention can be limited. Max-LMG should be reserved for bulking due to water retention and possible bloating, it’s seldom used solo and is often part of a bulking stack in conjunction with a more potent methylated compound.


There are a lot of possible length / dosage combinations with LMG, with the most common dosage being 100MG daily, cycles are anywhere from 4 to 7 weeks in length with 6 weeks being the most common. Advanced users can experiment with dosages in upwards of 150MG, however, if stacking with another compound adjust the dosage accordingly. Like most other steroids/pro-hormone for the effects to be in full gear it may take several weeks and that is the case with LMG as well, expect results by the third week. Dosages should be split by 6-8 hours as the half life for this compound is between 6 and 8 hours.

Below is the recommend cycle layout for good results with manageable risk of side effects.

Cycle Layout (6 Weeks):

Week 1: 75mg / per day

Week 2-6: 100mg / per day

On lifting days it’s recommended to take a dosage roughly one hour before starting your gym session, in some cases taking a dosage before bed may have a negative impact on sleep, so take this into consideration. In addition, it’s generally a good idea to take each dosage with EFA’s (i.e fish oil) in order to enhance absorption, it’s also recommended to consume 16+ ounces of water at each dosage

Typical Results

LMG is a bulking compound through and through, expect very wet gains with weight loss post cycle due to bloating. Most feedback suggests excellent size and strength gains, however LMG truly shines when stacked with a methylated slightly more potent designer steroid/pro-hormone. Gains are user dependent some users may experience more size gains while others more strength gains and some an equal distribution of both. Gains in the 7-8lbs range, however some gains may simply be bloat which will be lost post cycle.


LMG can easily be stacked with other compounds quite successfully,because it’s non-methylated the choices are virtually endless, the most popular addition to a LMG cycle is typically P-Mag/Superdrol. It’s viable to stack this compound with a steroid that’s a better mass gainer while experiencing the recomping effects from LMG.

Methylated Compounds (Halodrol, H-Drol, P-mag, Superdrol, M-Drol, Epistane, Havoc, etc)

Non-Methylated Compounds (BOLD, 11-OXO, 3-AD, Furazadrol, etc)


It’s recommended that users supplement with a quality Multi-Vitamin and Fish Oil throughout the ENTIRE cycle. You should stop taking any other supplements on Cycle as well such as Creatine, NO, Test Boosters and so on, these should be saved for PCT in order to preserve strength. It’s heavily recommended that during PCT, you add Creatine and a Cell Volumizer type of product. Supplementing with Protein is highly recommended on cycle.


via World Class Bodybuilding Forum

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