Can any actuarial nerd out there solve this challenging/rigorous act-stats exam?

mercredi 28 janvier 2015

The mathematical tripos part III at Cambridge is widely-regarded as one of the most rigorous if not the most rigorous set of academic exams globally. This program's courses are far more advanced than any other taught courses since this program is tailored towards those who intend to directly start working on the research part of any quantitative Ph.D and up to a pure math Ph.D. While checking the tripos past exam papers I found that they offer an actuarial statistics exam. I tried to understand the problems but it seems that they are extremely advanced. Can any of the gifted-actuarial students, ASAs/ACAS's or FSA/FCAS's especially the QFI FSAs tell me how challenging is that exam when compared with any of the SOA's/CAS's most rigorous exams?

Here is the 2014's actuarial statistics paper

Can any actuarial nerd out there solve this challenging/rigorous act-stats exam?

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