Does your health plan cover cesarian hospital delivery?

mercredi 28 janvier 2015

If it's not a life-death situation but a tremendously improved odds of healthy delivery?

Given it's not really an insurable risk of loss (you chose to have kids) and if the risk of cesarian surgery was tied to pre-existing diagnosis, then it's not exactly an insurable accident with equal risk in the pool. It should be from an ethical standpoint, covered yes! On the issue of is this an insurable risk im talking. Health insurance is substantially not is more like a savings account managed on your behalf by an entity making sure you are budgeting the nearly certain costs overtime by taking it from you in premium.

Not sure every plan should cover this but a whole range of uncovered expensive fertility treatments should absolutely be offered as supplemental insurance if the coverage is in effect for a set number of years...the insurability factor is unpredictability of "how much time after the gap period" will the treatment occur...and that there be other mitigating options that were not successful following the expensive fertility treatment

Does your health plan cover cesarian hospital delivery?

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