Street Parking Woes

samedi 24 janvier 2015


Neighbor (now referred to as DB) on my street decides that his two cars are important and should always be parked on the street.

A few times now I've noticed his Audi parked over the line in two spots. The first time I assumed maybe it was bad parking all around. However, I quickly noticed that the same car (Toyota) always parks behind his Audi. My theory is DB "saves" two spots and then moves when the other car is home.

There is a little snow today, roads aren't bad, street isn't bad. But DB decides he deserves to save to spots. Neither spot is shoveled and the Audi hasn't been cleared of snow. I hear a bunch of doors slamming outside and look to catch DB in the act.

Walking outside, I check out the size of the pseudo-parking spots and realize my Mini Cooper can fit there. So I move it and park directly behind DB's Audi.

Now in Boston there is a thing called "space savers". This has gone on since mid-80s and the premise is you can shovel out your parking space and save it with an object. At first the city didn't care, there was something like 1 car per house. Now there is something like 6 cars per house and parking is limited. The city implemented an ordinance that "citizens can use space savers for 48 hours after a snow emergency / parking ban has been declared." After that the city will drive around with trash trucks and throw anything in the street away. The space saver isn't law and the city doesn't recognize it as a legal binding saver.

The unofficial rules in the neighborhood is you must shovel your spot, you cannot save a spot someone else shoveled, and only do it with significant snow fall (even if not snow emergency). Several cars have been vandalized

Today was not a snow emergency / parking ban. DB did not shovel out his spot. DB does this even when there is no snow on the ground.

DB's girlfriend or roommate or wife or lady-of-the-night came out of her house and wrote "DICK" in the snow on my car. Then pulled the Audi forward into the parking spot. Now I'm sitting with the windows open, drinking beer, waiting for DB to come home and see what he plans on doing.

TLDR; douchebag on my street repeated takes two parking spots, I park me car in the half spot, waiting on ensuing drama.

Street Parking Woes

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