Fellow mathctuaries, here's a problem for you

mardi 30 décembre 2014


Wile E. Coyote just got a shipment of an infinite number of bombs, and he's ready to blow up the Road Runner once and for all. However, the rules of the game this time around are a bit different from the usual.

You see, this world is one dimensional, so the Road Runner only runs in a straight line. Also, the world is discrete, and everything has integer values. The Road Runner starts at an integer location and moves at a constant integer velocity. Since time is also discrete, the Road Runner warps from his current location to his next location every second, instead of running continuously on the line.

The problem for Wile E. Coyote is that he doesn't know the Road Runner's velocity or starting location, but he can fire one bomb at any location, every second.

Devise a strategy for Wile E. Coyote that, given an infinite amount of time, assures that he will finally be able to blow up the Road Runner.


Fellow mathctuaries, here's a problem for you

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