Has this guy been friendzoned?

lundi 29 septembre 2014

Y'all have been slacking lately in the dating department, so I had to go get my fix elsewhere.


So what do you guys think? Have I been friend zoned already? Or even dropped off the map completely?

We got along amazingly right off the bat. Very flowing, meaningful conversations, tons of laughing and good times.

I went out on two dates with this girl. The first was to the movies, kind of a last-second decision. We caught a late movie, but both had to work super early the next morning, so we didn't stay out afterward or anything. We didn't kiss but hugged after we left. Two days later we went Frisbee golfing, and had a blast. We were talking and laughing and having a really good time. I thought for sure we were both really into each other. I was initiating physical contact - put my arm around her a few times or touched her hair. She giggled and smiled big when I did those things, but didn't exactly reciprocate per se. My original plan was to try to kiss her at the end of the date, but partway through the day we realized we had stayed out too long and she was already late for work, so she bolted off in a big rush and I never got the chance.

After that, she brought me cookies at work to apologize for running off so early. A sweet, gesture, I thought. Again, I brushed my hand on her back implicatively, and she smiled and giggled as if that was a good thing, but again didn't really attempt to do anything back. She did suggest that we try to switch our schedules around to match them up a little better so we could hang out.

I was getting very mixed signals, and still kind of am. Last week she suggested us hanging out this next weekend, and so I have made a couple of suggestions this week about what we could do. But she finally responded with, "I might be busy this next weekend, but maybe some time next week. Let's make sure to not lose touch though."

After that, I decided to stop texting her to see if she would text again. It's been two days now and she hasn't said anything.

Is this thing over?

Read more: http://ift.tt/1qNlbyV

I say it's over, OP lost the deal due to his utter lack of game. Movies, then frisbee golf? :shake:

What say you? :popcorn:

Has this guy been friendzoned?

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