Any advice for Exam FM?

mardi 23 décembre 2014

Hey guys,

I am a college student studying for the Exam FM. I wasn't really sure when to take the exam, but I decided to take it in late February.

I have no interest theory background. I bought the ASM study manual and started studying since last week. The first two chapters were pretty easy. Basically had over 80~90% practice problems correct.

And then the chapter 3(basic annuities) is killing me. I keep getting less than 30% practice problems correct.

So my questions are:

1. Is it okay to skip chapter 3 and 4 and come back later? If so, what chapters would be the most efficient ones to start?

2. Any recommendations where I can learn annuities in more detail? The problem is that I do understand the concepts from the study manual, but the practice problems are very twisted a lot.

Any advice would be very appreciated. Thank you very much.

Any advice for Exam FM?

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