Not feeling the way you're "supposed to" feel

mercredi 24 décembre 2014

My ex and I switch off years for xmas with the kids. This year it's his year to have them, so they will go to his place tomorrow and be with him through the weekend. This will be the second year I've not been with my kids on Xmas eve/day.

We did xmas with my folks this past weekend, and we did this evening just us, dinner and light-touring, a little shopping. It was nice.

I have plans for both tomorrow night and xmas day that I'm really looking forward to. And I'm happy that my kids will get time with their dad and his family.

But when people ask me in passing about my holiday plans and I relay that the kids will be with their dad ... hence I will be :qunq: alone :qunq: , I get long sympathetic "awww"'s and sad looks. This has happened like 6 or 7 times now. Even though I think my tone is neutral if not cheerful.

Then I wonder if I should feel differently than I do. I'm not sad. Nor will I particularly miss them more just because it's a holiday. :shrug:

Is this people projecting and/or trying to be nice in case I"m sad? Or am I just a cold-hearted bitch? (Both could be true /Inco)

Not feeling the way you're "supposed to" feel

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