Salary Through Career

vendredi 27 mars 2015

I feel like the DW Simpson salary survey doesn't give the whole story.

In these three scenarios, about how much would these people make throughout their careers, assuming they work at an average-large company?

1) Amelia quickly gets her FSA after college. Soon after FSA, she gets someone reporting under her. She gains reports/responsibility steadily and at 50 years old is head of product/pricing with 20 people under her.

2) Bob graduates and gets his FSA at an average rate - failing a few times along the way. He also gets a report soon after FSA. He slowly gains responsibility until he peaks with 4 reports at 50 years old.

3) Chris slowly takes his exams and eventually gets his FSA. He gets a report once, but turns out to be a bad manager. He is a good actuary, but has no reports for most of his career.

Notice that all 3 have the same 'years of experience' and 'number of exams' for much of their career.


Salary Through Career

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