A Question about Volunteer Actuary-ing

jeudi 16 avril 2015

So, I recently had a friend ask me for actuarial assistance. He basically wants a file that computes the value of life annuities and lump sums given an interest rate and a mortality model. I actually work in P&C, but that's not a very difficult request and I happen to have a spreadsheet from college that can be edited a little to do that. It's no skin off my back to share a non-work file, and I like helping people.

However, it sounds like he will be using this spreadsheet for something work related. My question is, how do I go about providing it to him ethically and safely? My impulse is to put a note on the spreadsheet saying that it is for personal use only, but I wanted to see what everyone thought. I'm not disclosing anything from work and I'm not being paid, so I don't see any actual ethic issue, but I want to make sure I cross all my t's and double-dot all my annuities-due.

Any input helps. :wink: Except snarky, unhelpful input. That is, by definition, unhelpful. :aypi:

A Question about Volunteer Actuary-ing

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