Britt McHenry Suspended By ESPN After Fat-Shaming Video Surfaces

vendredi 17 avril 2015

In no way, shape, or form was this a "meltdown" due to a "stressful situation." It's a moment that shows her true self-entitled ignorance and arrogance.

She's a great example of what happens when you tell your kids how pretty and how great they are 500x a day. Ugh, what an idiot.



ESPN has suspended Britt McHenry for one week, effective immediately, after a video surfaced of the Washington D.C.-based reporter berating a woman working for a towing company.

McHenry can be heard repeatedly and mercilessly attacking the employee in what appears to be security footage of the incident. Among the things said:



- “I’m in the news, sweetheart.”

- “I will ****ing sue this place.”

- “That’s why I have a degree and you don’t.”

- “I wouldn’t work in a scumbag place like this.”

- “Makes my skin crawl even being here.”

- “Yep, that’s all you care about is just taking people’s money. With no education, no skill set, just wanted to clarify that.”

- “Do you feel good about your job?

- “So I can be a college dropout and do the same thing?”

- “Why? Because I have a brain? And you don’t?”

- “Maybe if I was missing some teeth they would hire me, huh?”

- “‘Cause they [the employee’s teeth] look so stunning … ‘Cause I’m on television and you’re in a ****ing trailer, honey.”

- “Lose some weight, baby girl.”

In a statement published to Twitter on Thursday, McHenry apologized for her actions:

In an intense and stressful moment, I allowed my emotions to get the best of me and said some insulting and regrettable things. As frustrated as I was, I should always choose to be respectful and take the high road. I am so sorry for my actions and will learn from this mistake.

Britt McHenry Suspended By ESPN After Fat-Shaming Video Surfaces

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