I want to go on an adventure

jeudi 16 avril 2015

So I went on an 8 mile day hike last weekend, and I think I've caught some sort of hiking bug because I found myself looking at every hiking trail within 100 miles for what I want to tackle this summer. I really, really love being out in nature. Moreover, I have an overwhelming urge to walk somewhere really really high up and be able to turn around in a circle and know that there is no higher ground for a thousand miles.

To that end, I was looking at the trail to the summit of Mt Whitney (highest point in the lower 48) ... and it's surprisingly doable. Not exactly easy by any means but I don't have to be some sort of spider-fingered badass freak to do it or spend a fortune on equipment or hire any sherpas - it's just 11 miles of uphill walking and 11 miles of downhill walking.

Problem is you have to reserve a permit well in advance to make an attempt and it would be difficult to acquire one for this season. So I'm seriously planning on going for it in 2016. Going to make a week vacation of it and hit nearby Las Vegas and Grand Canyon as well.

Has anyone attempted anything like this? Any advice? For one thing I'm worried about altitude issues. They sound disturbing. Stuff like your brain and lungs getting screwed up badly in some cases. I'm also worried about training for it - I live in the Midwest and there's really not much in the way of mountains out here. I guess I could stairmaster all day but that doesn't sound fun. Also planning on doing some lengthy day hikes to get used to walking for 15 hours.

Background: I'm in decent shape. I can run a half marathon in about 1:45:00. I was a boy scout so I've been on plenty of long hikes back in the day and know how to survive. I'm sure I can get some poor gullible sap to come along with me.

I'll also be logging some of the day hikes I do over the year here. If you're interested in that sort of thing I'll provide reviews for some hiking areas. Also if you know any good day hikes in Ohio or nearby, I'd love the recommendations.

Thanks in advance!

I want to go on an adventure

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