What muscles look good on women?

dimanche 31 août 2014

A comment in the "excuses" thread made me wonder if there is a general consensus on this topic, or wildly varying opinions.

It seems that a lot of women think that all guys want a skinny woman, preferably with large breasts. As a result, some women avoid weight-lifting, not wanting to look too masculine.

I'll admit, I'm not a fan of women with big biceps. Maybe that's a sign of insecurity in myself, but I definitely don't find "guns" on a woman to be attractive. A toned look (with some non-bulky muscularity) looks great.

And a six-pack seems a little over the top as well. It doesn't bother me as much as the big biceps. And if it's just starting to show, it can look quite nice. But chiseled abs on a woman aren't my thing.

Having said that, I think quads on a woman look awesome! I'm always encouraging my wife to take up barbell squats, but she says she doesn't want big quads. I keep telling her, I've never seen quads too big on a woman unless she was truly a body-builder.

Similarly, glutes are difficult for a woman to overdo. The only times I've been bothered by overly muscular glutes on a woman was when her body fat was so low that she looked crazy ripped.

I'm curious to get the thoughts of other guys on this topic. I think it might be helpful for women to hear this, particularly those afraid of weight lifting.

What muscles look good on women?

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