Bootcamp for Mac vs. New Laptop

mercredi 1 avril 2015

So here's the deal.

My only laptop is a Macbook Pro from 2009. I don't use it too heavily, so I still have about 90GB of storage left.

I absolutely HATE Excel for Mac. I'm unfamiliar with it, it's incredibly slow, etc.

I'm going to be starting the FAP modules soon and will be using Excel more often on my personal computer, so I need to get my hands on Excel for Windows.

My two options:

1. Buy a cheaper Windows laptop (<$500) and purchase MS Office.

2. Set up Bootcamp on my current Mac. Purchase Windows 7 and MS Office (Windows 7 is the only OS that I can run with my current mac).

Any opinions? Anyone run bootcamp? There are way too many PC laptops to choose from. I know next to nothing about the RAM, memory, etc. of Windows laptops. Are there any minimums that you would set in terms of processor or RAM?

Thanks for helping a computer n00b out.

Bootcamp for Mac vs. New Laptop

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