Cocaine is to Coca leaves, as ISIS is to Islam

jeudi 2 avril 2015

Do you agree?

Point is all bad stems from a good ingredient, so in understanding how to prevent bad risks, we in healthcare should not outweigh the good that is eliminated when trying to rid the bad

A coca leaf in Colombia is a beautiful green plant,

Until it is crushed

Loaded in with cement, petroleum, pure base soda, sulfuric acid, and potassium salt and a little water and some microwaving

And then combined with a cigar paper and a smoke flammable substance in Colombia,

Then smashed into a filthy vehicle and hidden in bags placed inside furniture and then through border tunnels

All this, whether or not inseparable from the coca leaf, is it really the coca leaf we must destroy?

Then for a more watered down use of coca leaf in the 1900s

You have a diluted soda, mix with coca leaf, or just replicate the high with caffeine and high fructose corn syrup and/or sucrose, carbonated bubbles to replicate the base bitterness of base soda....ahem....refreshing coca-with a cost of living adjustment built in

No need to add value with more processing than that

2 billion Islam believers and 2 billion coca-cost of living adjustments served a day

Cocaine is to Coca leaves, as ISIS is to Islam

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