Invited to 2nd Interview, but no Contact?

mercredi 1 avril 2015

I had a great interview Monday with a hiring manager and in the end he asked if I was available to come in Tuesday or Wednesday for another interview. I of course said yes, in which he said either himself or his assistant would contact me. Hence, I was expecting him to contact me Tuesday to come in for a second interview. However, there has been no contact thus far. I sent a thank you email a few hours after the interview so I was hoping he'd reply to it with a confirmation.

He flew in from Seattle and is staying in my city for 3 days for interviews - The interview schedule was either Friday, Monday or Tuesday.

Has this ever happened to anyone? He included Wednesday as a possible interview date, but he's not interviewing on Wednesday so I'm not sure. I'm assuming he was impressed if he were to offer me a 2nd interview right at the spot, but maybe that wasn't the case.

Thank you.

Invited to 2nd Interview, but no Contact?

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