Are actuaries benefiting the society?

mercredi 26 novembre 2014

So I'm a naive college undergrad who still believes in changing the world.

I'm graduating in spring with P, FM and an internship under my belt and it sort of just hit me that, say I do find a job, for the next 40 yrs I'll be working for insurance companies, crunching numbers, and working on products that I won't even meet the end users.

My point is, with the skills of an act sci major, I can go to fields that seem to be more beneficial to general society, such as doing stats for medical research or financial planning for people...etc.

I do find the subject interesting and will probably proceed this path, but can someone please point out to me how act sci isn't just a career that one enters for security and $$$, but rather has its benefit to society? And why did you choose this career vs XYZ career?

Thanks so much and I apologize if my understanding isn't correct (in that case, please correct me!)

Are actuaries benefiting the society?

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