Interviews with two different positions open

mercredi 26 novembre 2014

Has anyone ever interviewed with a larger company which had two different actuarial positions open? For example, maybe they have an entry-level consultant position and an entry-level pricing position open.

When I was interviewing for EL positions in college, I've had this come up twice where the interviewer said "so we have an opening in X department and also an opening in Y department. Which of these are you more interested in?". I was unsure if I should answer with a preference for one or the other, or if I should say that I'm open to both (beggars can't be choosers, ya know). I'm going to be looking to get an EL position in the near future and I'm trying to get a sense of what the best way to approach this situation is, should it arise.

Interviews with two different positions open

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