Where is the sanity in any current religion? Hindus slaughter >5,000 buffaloes

samedi 29 novembre 2014

Why do people still use tarot cards and astrology in the 21st century?

Equally puzzling: why do so many people (especially highly educated ones, like actuaries) still self-identify as believers in any of the major religions (such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism) all of which not only fail to stand up to evidence-based analysis, but also still have current practices which on any objective analysis seem insane?


From http://www.independent.co.uk/news/wo...s-9892632.html

The slaughter of more than 5,000 buffaloes at the Gadhimai Hindu festival in Nepal has drawn global condemnation from animal charities.

Many more buffaloes and farm animals including chickens, goats and pigs are due to be killed as part of what is thought to be the world’s largest animal sacrifice ritual.

Devotees believe the event brings good luck and will encourage Gadhimai, the Hindu goddess of power, to answer their wishes.

Several charities had worked to stop the slaughter – the first of its kind since an estimated 200,000 animals and birds were sacrificed in 2009 – but only succeeded in pressuring the Indian Government into stopping animals being transported across the border.

Where is the sanity in any current religion? Hindus slaughter >5,000 buffaloes

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