A credit card where the bank agrees to pay your minimum payments for 60 months

jeudi 6 novembre 2014

Not only 0% interest, but you have no payment due dates, and a huge credit line. At the end of 60 months, the promotion expires and you owe a 25% interest rate and monthly min payments on outstanding balances after 60 months beginning with the 61st month.

What is the smartest way to make use of this card? Or would it be better to not use it altogether?

Would it be to pay all your other bills and all other necessary purchases and expenses using this card till exactly 30% of the credit line is utilized?

While doing this, invest the freed up liquidity in what exactly? That 60 months later you will need to withdraw the majority of to pay off the balance on the card? Isn't there the risk the market at end of 60 months could be underpriced? Risk you have insufficient funds to pay the card off?

A credit card where the bank agrees to pay your minimum payments for 60 months

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