Apply before or after employer info sessions?

vendredi 5 septembre 2014

Longtime lurker, first time poster. My school's career center has a number of insurance companies and consulting firms lined up for on-site info sessions this month. I'm planning to apply to pretty much all of them in hopes of securing an internship next summer. The deadline to apply to all jobs through our school's career portal is after all the sessions have taken place.

What I'm wondering is whether it would be better to:

a) apply to each company ahead of time, in hopes that some of the people I meet will have already seen my resume and cover letter, and can put a face to my name

b) wait until after the meet-and-greet, and refer to it in the cover letter

c) it makes no earthly difference and I shouldn't waste my time worrying about it.

Thanks in advance for any advice!

Apply before or after employer info sessions?

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