SAS coding help?

mercredi 3 septembre 2014

I have a dataset with 2 variables, 'Month' and 'Factor'. 'Month' is from 0 to 100, for our sake. Example:

Month Factor

0 5

1 3.4

2 5.6

3 6.5

4 1.2

5 0.8

6 0.9




How can I make a third variable (probably using arrays) that will sum 'factor' from month(current) to month(last). For month 0, newvariable=5+3.4+5.6+...., month 1 newvariable=3.4+5.6+6.5....., month2 newvariable=5.6+6.5+1.2+.....

SAS coding help?

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