Resume/Cover Letter Critique

mardi 24 mars 2015

I will be applying for an entry level job soon, and I would appreciate a little feedback on my resume and cover letter :notworth:.

About me: Currently enrolled in a economics PhD program (ranked around 30). I will be dropping out because I decided academia isn't for me (it would likely lead to a teaching job). I have finished my masters a year ago.

My department let me keep my teaching assistant appointment for a semester (Spring 2015) while I get a job lined up. I decided that I would like to pursue an actuarial career. I had passed P in undergrad, so I took FM and MFE this semester and passed them. I'm not really sure what I should put about my situation or if I should just leave it off my resume/cover letter. On one hand a PhD program tends to be much more rigorous. On the other hand I'm dropping out.

I would be able to start a job around mid April. I'm not sure if I should include that somewhere also.

Thanks for your help.

Attached Images

File Type: pdf AOcoldemail.pdf (26.2 KB)
File Type: pdf AOresume.pdf (126.1 KB)
File Type: pdf AOcoverletter.pdf (145.4 KB)

Resume/Cover Letter Critique

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