Avg baseball probability pitcher Throws in strike zone

mercredi 8 avril 2015

In baseball, I notice, given a strike hits the count,

It's well above 50% odds it was a "swinging" strike or foul ball, not a non-swinging strike in the strikezone.

Anyone know roughly what stats say the rate is of strikezone for an avg pitcher who anticipates the batters are power hitters?

I think batters and even batting coaches do not weigh the probability serious enough that you can improve a game score by not taking a swing at the first pitch. On the first pitch, because of the break of momentum between at-bats, I think probability of a "ball" 1 and 0 count is Even higher.

plus the foul ball that counts as a strike until 2 strikes makes the penalty of a foul ball hit even more a reason to wait a few pitches

Avg baseball probability pitcher Throws in strike zone

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