Checkijng the internet before going to a business

jeudi 9 avril 2015

How often do you drive to a specific business you have never been to before without looking it up on the internet for reviews, etc. (Something more than directions or just yellow pages)

For example, you need to go to a hardware* store. Do you go to Google Maps and drive to the closet business that pops up?

(Note even if you have not been to that exact location, if it is something like a McDonald's then don't count it, cause you already know what to expect.)

OR do you go to the website first?

- See if they have what you need

- Check store hours

- Check reviews

* I know this is mostly actuaries but don't get hung up on hardware. Just think of a business you have never been to, AND you would have to go out of your way to get there.

-- You aren't already just walking by.

Checkijng the internet before going to a business

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