Mossad actually likes the Iranian nuclear deal

mercredi 8 avril 2015

I found that an interesting bit of news, both of the former Mossad heads think Obama done good.

"Anyone who has followed events in Iran in recent decades or has studied the matter has to admit truthfully that he never believed Iran would ever agree to discuss these issues, let alone agree to each of the clauses I have mentioned," Halevy concluded.

Last month, as Netanyahu stood in the well of Congress denouncing Obama's negotiations with Iran, Dagan, who ran the Mossad until four years ago, actually serving under Netanyahu, muttered "bullshit" live on Israeli TV.

In an interview later, Dagan said Netanyahu lied both about the reach of Iran's missiles and how close its scientists are to producing a bomb.

"From first-hand knowledge I can say that Dagan has done more about the Iranian nuclear threat and other security-related issues than Netanyahu and all the other Likud spokespersons combined," Diskin wrote recently on the website of Israel's i24 News.

Mossad actually likes the Iranian nuclear deal

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