"Sad Puppies" and the Hugos

mercredi 8 avril 2015

Anyone else following this? Kinda entertaining.

Short version: The Hugos are fan-voted awards given to science fiction books, stories, movies and such. They've been around since the 1950s and are quite prestigious among folks who care about such things. Some conservativeish SF writers and fans thought that left-wing politics have resulted in Hugo nominations going to works that aren't all that good but had the correct politics. So they drew up a list of eligible works by conservativeish writers that they thought were good and suggested folks vote for those works. They called this effort "Sad Puppies 2: Rainbow Puppy Lighthouse The Huggening" and seemed to be having a good time with it. Some of the works they suggested got nominated. And then there was a bit of a backlash and the usual names have been called and hands have been wrung.





"Sad Puppies" and the Hugos

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