Safe to say most of you will get 100% correct?

mardi 7 avril 2015

Given all the past released exams going all the way back to 2004, and knowing obviously the other ASOPs besides ASOP 23 and 8 and 41 which everyone knows in their sleep right now, will likely show up some place on the test,

And notecards you learned them all from before Christmas,

Safe to say Most of you are going to get 10s and 100%? Because I'm not quite there yet I'm being honest. It gets frustrating. It's not as easy for me as in school in 8th grade when you had number your paper 1 to 30 and everyone got 95-100% A's unless they were goofing off partying. Is it just me or is this exam tougher to get that many correct?

Safe to say most of you will get 100% correct?

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