Social ethics etc. question (n=n+1)

mardi 7 avril 2015

TLDR: My wedding is coming up and I sort-of uninvited my stepmother, now dad doesn't want to come. Who is being chitty? What to do? Etc.

So I'm 30ish, male, and having my first fight ever with my dad. Normally we have minimal father-son communication. Frisbee-golf, chess, "how are you?":"I'm fine" phone calls.

Then one day I decide to get married, and realize that I basically have to invite my dad's horrible wife of 3 years. I don't like her, for a lot of reasons. Not because she's a new part of the family, but because she's basically exemplifies all the traits that guys refer to when complain about 'women'.

The wedding itself is going to be tiny, and my mom is going to be there alone and still divorced.

So after a lot of worrying about it, I finally wrote an email like:

I'm worried that mom will be upset if your wife comes to the wedding. Not because of anything she did or said but because she's your new wife. I'm sure mom can deal though. So it's okay if you bring her...

And now he's not coming :/

Social ethics etc. question (n=n+1)

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